Light and Shadow

“The zodiac is a chain, a gear of energies, a manifestation of universal life. We cannot deny that life exists even though we do not see it; to deny the Mathematical Zodiac would be to deny the existence of universal life.

There is in the human being a revolt against the idea that the greater forces acting on him, conditioning his life in a certain sense. And rightly so, because in the period when he did not understand the unity existing between the Creator, creation, and creature, he had to explain the joys and sufferings by blaming one of these three aspects. But we have now arrived at an era of cosmic consciousness, and we know that the atom is a miniature solar system, and the human being is a universe within the universe.

Once, when writing the virtues of each sign, placing them in the circle of the Zodiac in place of symbols and hieroglyphics, I realized that the virtues of one depend on the virtues of its opposite. Since then, I have had a new way of understanding and explaining the zodiac signs, according to the bipolarity of light and shadow.

When we say the Sun is in the sign of Aries, it is because the Earth is transiting what we call Libra.

Aries first sign means the creative force that comes from the beginning energy. It is symbolized in the ram, because this forces part of our brain, just as the ram uses its head to knock down obstacles. The Earth, projecting its shadow, interrupts the vibration that was illuminated by the Sun, just as the human being, when born in the visible universe, divides energies in a duality of light and shadow.

Aries means energy, action, the “I am”, the independence of the human being. Libra means harmony, measuring, the “You are”, the cooperation of humanity. If a child is born with the Sun in Aries, he will have the shadow in Libra, and because one vibration is lit without the other in balance, what we call defects, arise. That is:

The energy of Aries without the balance of Libra causes violence and impatience.- Acting without measuring the consequences causes struggles and failures. Independence without a sense of collectivity causes selfishness.

– In the same way, measuring, without acting, is vacillating. Considering others, without imposing one’s rights, makes the individual weak.

The defects and struggles, therefore, do not come from the signs, but from the ignorance of energies that are in the shadow. “Light and Shadow” does not mean “good and bad”, but only action and rest.

The key to wisdom in life is, therefore, to become aware of the forces that lie in the shadow, passive in the subconscious.

I ask students to meditate on the wisdom with which the ancients called the first zodiacal axis Aries – Libra.”

The truth of my head depends on the Law of your head”

Emma de Mascheville

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